We Make Technology Work For Your Business

Don’t Accidentally Change your Domain Registrar

Occasionally, if we register a domain (the address for your website) for a client and we do not make the registration information private, we receive something like below in the mail:   We also occasionally get calls from clients asking if they should fill this...

Why is my email going to spam?

Clients ask us from time to time, “Why are the emails I send to a particular person going to spam?”. Spam filters are getting more and more strict every day. One way to test your company email is to go to the site https://learndmarc.com and they will give...

Why is my email address on a blacklist?

From time to time, people forward us emails asking why their messages are undeliverable due to being “blacklisted”.  See an example below: —–Original Message—– From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [mailto:mailer-daemon@googlemail.com]...

Google Products for Nonprofits

Everyone knows running a nonprofit can be difficult and expensive.  Google offers free or inexpensive tools to make your job a little bit easier. Here are just a few: Google Apps for Nonprofits: Let Google host your email (without changing your email addresses) along...

Google Docs Now Has Voice Dictation

Great news for the typing impaired.  You can now “voice type” in Google Docs (similar to Dragon Naturally Speaking).  Simply open up a document in Google Docs by going to https://docs.google.com/ or Google Drive, click on tools on the top menu bar and then...