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Did someone create a fake profile with your name and information on Facebook? It may not be as bad as it seems. They probably didn’t get into your Facebook account, “people” do this for the same reason they send out fake emails in your name to your friends. They want to make website or product recommendations to your friends making it look like it is coming from you. Once they create the fake Facebook page they are going to send your current friends invites hoping they will accept. Once they accept, they will likely send them private messages telling them to go to a bad website.

Just like a burglar breaking into your house or a computer virus, it is better to prevent the person from doing in the first place rather than trying stop it once it is started.  While we can’t guarantee this will stop it, you can take away the main incentive for people doing this by simply hiding your friends list. To do this, go to you Facebook profile page on your computer by clicking on your name on the top left of Facebook. Next, click on Friends at the top, click edit privacy on the top right, change “who can see your friends” list to only you. That was easy!


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